Gracious Professionalism
Gracious Professionalism * Coopertition * Inclusion *

Our mission is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.
Our vision is to see kids excited about science and technology, have them attend one of our prestigious institutes of higher learning, and upon graduation, stay in Georgia for their careers. By doing this, we can ‘put Georgia first.’ Our best resource, our youth, contribute to the growth and sustainability of our innovative workforce.
1999 - NOW
Our Beginning
We began with the mission to inspire students in the areas of STEM and Leadership in the state of Georgia. Since our beginning in 1999 with the launch of FIRST Lego League, we have served over a half million youth in the state of Georgia through the FIRST Robotics platform of programs. FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC), FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) and FIRST Lego League (FLL) make up the pipeline of programs that allow our youth to continue or enter their journey with FIRST at any age.
2024 - 2025 Board of Directors
Brian Cooksey
President of the Board
Director, Operations Training & Development, Shaw Industries Group, Inc.
Adam Thompson
Treasurer of the Board
Patent Attorney, Morris, Manning and Martin, LLP
Dr. Bryan Haynes
Secretary of the Board
Senior Technical Director, Global NonWovens, Kimberly Clark Corporation
Connie Haynes
Chief Executive Officer of GeorgiaFIRST Robotics
Justin Eggart
Retired, GE Energy
Levent Gokcen
Initiatives Delivery Engineering - Charmin Hubsit, Procter & Gamble
Dr. Lonnie Johnson
President & CEO, Johnson Research & Development, Inventor of SuperSoaker
Denise James
Energy Efficiency Education Coordinator, Georgia Power
Chip McDaniel
Technical Marketing, Focused Image Team, Automation Direct
Sue Miller
Senior Project Manager, Tier4 Group
Matt Nelson
Vice President, Enterprise Finance, Cox Communications
Matthew Ausman
Chief Information Officer - Zebra Technologies Corporations

CTSOs (Career Technical Student Organization) are intercurricular organizations with leadership programs and competitive events helping students see the real-world value of their academic studies.
Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) are a vital part of Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE). CTSOs play an integral role in preparing students to become college and career ready members of society who hold productive leadership roles in their communities. CTSOs are committed to the growth of students in all CTAE career pathways.
These organizations provide motivation, leadership training, and career development opportunities for students enrolled in Career, Technical and Agricultural Education programs in middle and high schools and enhance their occupational, employability and leadership skills through various activities such as conferences, award programs, service projects, and competitive events. These organizations conduct activities and events at the local, state and national levels in which students can participate and compete.
For the 2024-25 school year, GeorgiaFIRST is proud to announce our slate of officers. These four officers will represent GeorgiaFIRST Robotics at leadership events, before the state legislature and Georgia Department of Education.
President: Karthik Singaravadivelan
Vice-President of Logistics: Zara Guan
Vice-President of Sustainability: Alessio Toniolo
Vice-President of Innovation: Avi Agrawal
2024 - 2025 Leadership Team
Connie Haynes
Chief Executive Officer
Beth Culp
Operations / Event Director
Jan Spurlin
Leadership Committee Chairperson
Lisa Hatch
Team Liaison
Charles D' Englere
Control System Advisor
Greg Welsch
Head Referee
Jackie Holland
FIRST Technical Advisor
Adam Churney
Field Supervisor
Jeff Rees
Robot Inspection
Parker Bass
Electrical / Layout Design
Ray Spurlin
Flint Shepherd
Machine Shop Lead
Roy McConnell
Vocal Talent
Scott Lee
Audio Visual
Ross Lindsay
Audio Visual
Tiffany Dean
Volunteer Coordinator
Kathy Wood
Sophia Johnson
Media / Photography
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