All information about:


FIRST Tech Challenge Leagues & Schedule

Register your Georgia-based FIRST Tech Challenge team for a League and League Meets HERE

Teams will need to return to the Registration System after Kickoff however, to sign up for individual meets within their League.
Visit the FIRST website for information on Teams, Leagues and Events

Event Definitions

League Meet – A short competition only event where teams compete in 5-6 matches each.   Usually 4-5 hours in length.  No judging occurs at league meets.

League Tournament – A full day competition including judging sessions for all event types and elimination matches for traditional events.

Traditional Events – Teams run their robots in 2×2 alliance matches on a full field per the Traditional version of the Game Manual. The field is made available at a designated location. Matches will be observed by official referees, and scoring will be recorded by a scorekeeper at the designated location. Judging is performed on-site the same day as the event.

League Schedules

Details of each League’s schedules are available at the FIRST website above. Note that League Coordinators reserve the right to change scheduled dates up to two weeks before an event. 


View the schedule of League meets at the link below:  

Note that League Coordinators reserve the right to change scheduled dates up to two weeks before an event. 

Registered teams should please be mindful of all League Coordinator communications as this page will not have the most updated schedule information.